Friday, August 18, 2023

NZ turns the Tables on Norway again: Wins on Women’s Status across Three Global Indexes

I swear I did not cook the books nor fiddle the stats, nor guess the outcome before analysis.

On the eve of the final games in the Women’s World Cup, I thought I would crunch the numbers for three different global indexes measuring women’s status and participation in society, and - on average - New Zealand tops all 32 nations that competed at the WWC. If you’ve seen earlier postings, you may remember Norway came out on top on the global Women Peace and Security Index (WPS Index) which Ive used as my main measure of women’s inclusion, justice, and security.

Since then, I’ve found an updated (2023) Global Gender Gap Index (GGG Index) put out by the World Economic Forum. This measures gender-based gaps across four dimensions: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment, across

Finally, the US-based Council for Foreign Relations (CFR) puts out the Women's Workplace Equality Index which measures formal legal obstacles to women’s economic participation around the world, recognising that formal legal equality is a critical first step to closing the gap between women and men.

SO, crunching the numbers putting all the indexes on a scale from 0.000 to 1.000, then averaging them, New Zealand comes out on top across the 32 nations that began the Women’s Football World Cup competition last month. This is primarily due to its relatively high ranking in both the GGG and CFR Indexes. Below are all the countries ranked in order with the average index. You can check out the full table, with index rating and rank in each of the three indexes (along with the FIFA football ranking in June) at this link.

WWC Countries 3-Index Average Overall rank (among WWC nations)
New Zealand  0.888 1
England (= UK) 0.866 2
Canada  0.865 3
Spain  0.864 4
Norway  0.863 5
Australia  0.861 6
Denmark  0.859 7
Sweden  0.854 8
Netherlands 0.851 9
Germany  0.842 10
France 0.834 11
Portugal 0.827 12
United States  0.822 13
Ireland 0.822 14
Switzerland  0.811 15
South Africa  0.792 16
South Korea 0.786 17
Italy  0.785 18
Costa Rica  0.777 19
Philippines  0.773 20
Argentina  0.763 21
Brazil  0.751 22
Panama  0.751 23
Colombia  0.737 24
Zambia 0.725 25
Jamaica  0.719 26
Japan  0.712 27
Vietnam 0.706 28
China  0.694 29
Nigeria  0.649 30
Morocco  0.622 31
Haiti* 0.540 32

 *= average across 2 indexes; GGG index not available for

Photo sourced from NZ Football

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

When the World Came to Wellington: a personal view of the WWC

 Without wanting to endorse the FIFA marketing machine, I’ve been thinking about their slogan ‘Football unites the world’, and I have to say for me, it has through this Women’s World Cup, whose final New Zealand game is being played tonight. I didn’t engage with loads of overseas tourists, but it’s made me appreciate the diversity and linkages of my own friends here, as I encountered them, or re-encountered them, through football – and Facebook.

Looking back over my games:

The first game in Wellington (Spain v Costa Rica), I met up with a young Colombian I’d first met earlier in the year in a random encounter during a changeover between two different cultural shows at our local community access radio. He was Colombian, I was Dutch (Kiwi), and we found common ground in a concern over climate change issues. At that first (very cold and wet) football encounter on 21 July we also united in backing underdog Costa Rica.

My next match was through complimentary tickets passed onto me by a former work colleague (and Facebook friend) who responded to my call for company at some of the upcoming Wellington games. Through her daughter who was helping out at the games, she had four complimentaries for Sweden v South Africa on 23 July. So I went – along with a Malaysian New Zealander who plays weekly social indoor football at the Indian Cultural Centre, and two Maori-Samoan sons of a friend of mine who already had tickets to that game through another circle of friends.

Third Wellington game was NZ-Philippines, and the only way I could get a ticket was by asking my non-footballing friend with a wheelchair, whether she’d been won over by New Zealand’s unexpected victory in the opener against Norway to be interested in seeing their next game live. She was, well she was excited by going to see something a bit different anyhow. Over-confident New Zealand fans (like me) expecting a walkover then had to eat humble pie when WWC debutantes Philippines beat us 1-0 (the Filipinos in the crowd possibly outscored the New Zealand fans on vocal support as well). But I was genuinely happy for my Filipino workmates at this turn of events and gave one of them a big hug when I saw her straight after the game.

For the Netherlands v US game, I’d arranged tickets for an elderly couple from the Dutch Club, and for my former work colleague mentioned above; and got shouted my own tickets by the Netherlands Embassy for services rendered earlier in the year. At this even-stevens match, it was a delight to see after the match two guys walking side-by-side with complementary ‘Netherlands’ and ‘USA’ tee-shirts.

For the last Wellington game – the quarter final decider between Spain and Netherlands, I met up  with my Colomban friend again. Before the game, we checked out FIFA’s commitment to ‘rewilding football’ and debated whether it was greenwash, or a genuine growing commitment to environmentalism. After the game, I met up with my friend with a disability, who had become a ‘rent-a-crip’ (she’s ok with the term) for another friend of hers at this sell-out final game in Wellington. And with my daughter, we discussed the anthropology of football crowds – among other things, before venturing down to check out the fanzone.

In addition to the live matches, I’ve been posting blogs and sending messages about the football to friends around the country – and cousins in the Netherlands who have been following their team from a distance. So yes, I would have to say that for me football has been uniting my little world of people both near and far. And as regards the title of this blog – yes, ‘the world did come to Wellington’ but then again, you could say ‘the world is already here’. Keep it coming.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Final 8 - by the Women, Peace and Security Index

Rankings for the final 8 on the Women, Peace and Security Index (WPS). Sweden on top, and Colombia is the only developing nation left in the last rounds:

Rankings below are, first their rank among the 32 starting nations at the WWC, followed by WPS Ranking among all 170 countries listed in the Index

4 Sweden 7

5 England* 9  (*=UK)

6 Netherlands 10

10 Spain 14

11 France 15

15 Australia 24

18 Japan 35

27 Colombia 90

See the original discussion and full rankings here.